Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Where am I going

Sometimes you hit that bump in the road, where you have to ask yourself how, and when, you lost the 405 and ended up in hillbilly outback territory. For me, it happened yesterday. I was trudging along the scene, moving characters like you would chess pieces, figuring out my next move, and BAM! I swerved off the main road, slammed into a tree, skidded along the edge of the ditch, and finally, a not so graceful face plant in the dirt. Not that a face plant is ever graceful, but I'm a master at making everything look just a tad more awkward than most of my friends.

So here I am, stopped dead in my tracks by a simple sentence. Words, connected in the easiest of ways, turns my YAY! into NAY! I was stuck. I'd forgotten where the story was supposed to take me.

My only option was to back away. I closed the document and spent a few hours playing games before bed. Woke up this morning and went to work. And now I'm here, writing to you.

I thought this would be a "Got any tips" but as I'm writing I remember that I have yet to use my Mindmeister to do an appropriate outline. Which has gotten my tummy bubbling with joy (or it's the milk I drank earlier)

I apologize, but I have to cut this short and take advantage of the surge of "Omg, I love pinning notes on that board" energy.

I'll give you a peek on the board in my next post.

Ta ta

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