Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A lot is going on

It's been very quiet from me lately, and I do apologize, but there's been an abundance of life going on lately. I'm not complaining, life is awesome. I just felt I should step in here and let you know I'm not dead.

Have a few shares for you. The wonderful onestopforwriters has finally opened up its doors. *happy squeal* Go check it out.

I'm also the Team Leader for the awesome Kirk Clan. It's the street team for authors A&E Kirk. Two wonderful women, who write YA paranormal romance. If you haven't yet, I suggest you check out their books on Amazon. They're releasing their third book shortly, and I, for one, can't wait.

I'm also doing proofreading, I'm a project leader for The Black Knight supporters, Lot's of things going on, as I said, but I love it.

If you're interested in joining the Kirk Clan, click here. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Writing Prompt Death Dive

None of our members managed to start/finish the writing prompt, which is fine. =) We came up with really good excuses, and used our creative sides that way.

I have now decided that our next prompt will be a witty/weird competition. Where I'll make sure to reward our winner with some helpful books.

To stretch our writing muscles I challange you to write in a different pov (point of view) than you normally do. I prefer to write in 1st person pov, so I'll be trying out 3rd person pov this time. Yikes. Don't worry, it's not a rule, just a side challange for anyone who wants to try something new.

I will put up the prompt, and the rules by the end of the week.

- Izzy

Monday, August 3, 2015



I almost wrote this blog post in Swedish. Bah! Let's assume Izzy has a lot on her mind, and bear with her.


Friday will be the start of our first Writing Prompt. I will post it here on the blog, and in our FB Group.

The rules are as follows. 

1. Keep it under 1000 words. 

2. Use Google Docs, so everyone can read, and comment on it. 

3. When you comment, be nice and constructive. (Or I will pound on you. )

4. These are more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules. (Except 3. Nr 3 is a rule)

The writing prompts will run for a week, giving everyone enough time to plan and write the prompt, without having to sacrifice a virgin to get the time to do it. You are not obligated to participate. (Big words hurt Izzy's head)

If you have problems reading about sex, please let me know, so we can send appropriate short stories/prompts/novels. (If your story contains sex, please state so in title). We do try to respect everyone's boundries, but we need to know where yours are. 
None of the prompts will be erotically angled, so don't worry. 

Anything you need me to cover, clear up or totally annihilate, just let me know. 

- Izzy

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Hello, and welcome to our blog.

As Rookie Writers there's always been a search for companions and friends, or even strangers, to share your work with, to lend a hand while the process is ongoing.
Well.... Here we are. It's our intention to get you as much help as possible, guide you to fun places and, most importantly, find you a group of like minded people to chat with, about what a Rookie Writer's life is all about.

In future posts we'll make sure to include links to various writing sites, to have competitions for everyone, with the chance to win books, posters or even a little stuffed animal.

Anything goes in the world of writing, so we hope you'll enjoy it here, and bear with us as we traverse the unknown, to us, territory of blogging.


- Pencil Biters